Thus, for example, talismans and amulets can defend their owners to the eye, deterioration, damage, spells, attract luck, love, money, etc the Manufacture of mascots are the sorcerers and healers, but their services are expensive, so today, more and more people to think about how to make the mascot of his own hands. Usually, the people with the help of amulets, seeking to attract in your life of a lot of money, as well as the success in the business and the family.

For whom and for what need a mascot?
A lot of pop stars, actors, politicians and athletes make use of mascots as a means to achieve success and protection against failures. Thus, some people believe in the power of his pendant-a talisman, and some of the singer carry it around with him his favorite amulet – emerald. It is certain that this stone helps to build a harmonious relationship with her husband and strengthens the family. And in this singer is not a bad thing. The amulets were truly of the property, to collect, transform, accumulate, and provide energy, on the basis of which they receive their unique qualities.
However, not only the gems and jewelry become the mascots favorite stars. Fatal seductress and the main Heartbreaker – Miley Cyrus as a little girl falls asleep each night in the arms of a pink teddy bear as his best talisman. Patricia Kaas is also addicted to toys (however, as well as millions of women everywhere in the world). Her teddy bear that she takes no exception to all the tours, and even dedicated a song.
What and how are the mascots?
As a material for creating talismans magic on luck can be used for absolutely all the elements, but most often the goals take jewelry (mainly as an amulet to use the ring), precious stones and hard stones (turquoise, carnelian, bull's eye, amethyst, jasper, onyx, etc), shells, small items (hair clips, pins, watches, keys, loops),products of cardboard, wood, and clay (figurines, dolls), textile products, embroidered handkerchiefs, laces and wires, attached in a particular way, etc).
The manufacture of amulets are, generally, the people who do not know the existence of the variety of magic phenomena, the cycling of the energies and methods of hidden influence on people and events – these people are mages, sorcerers, healers, mages, and Warlock. Only they know how to make the mascot properly, for it to have maximum efficiency and has helped his master on to the decision for one or the other of the tasks of life.
During the creation of these magic items takes into account all the details: the season of the year and the number of months, the place and the time of day, date of birth and astrological sign of the future owner, the colors and the particular properties of the materials from which is made the guardian. The manufacture of this juju takes a mage quite a lot of time and effort, in consequence of which the sentence of such service is not cheap. This is why many people today are questioning the way to make the mascot of his hands , even knowing that the very process of the creation of the powerful mascot is a ritual complicated, requiring adherence to a clear sequence of action.

During the manufacture of the amulet of the mage is "the recitation" special of intrigue and magic spells to equip elected the subject of good properties intangible nature of things. In addition, a true "professional" magician inflates a magical object the good energy (infuse in him the elementary forces, to "bind" to the intangible entities or influence own biofield). Thus, for example, the mascot of luck and wealth, receives its power through the "pumping" energy of fire element.
Any the amulet of luck is, in fact, the true "object" of the force of the person to whom it is intended and which is always at the door with him (it is advisable to carry on self-esteem and more close to the body). To give even more efficiency, the wizard may wear on the surface of this amulet special magic signs. These signs can be the secrets of the magical names of the bosses (angels, demons, elemental spirits, etc), runes (magical symbols of the ancient alphabet used by the peoples of the North of Europe), symbols of the Gods and of the elements.
How to make the mascot, attracting good luck to him?
If you do not have too know about magic and decided to make the love or the money of the mascot of his own hands, take advantage of our advice. Read this article carefully, and then it becomes clear how to make the mascot yourself. Do not rush yourself and exactly follow all the instructions. Errors during the manufacture of amulets can lead to your home, the tutor will be ineffective, or start to work is not good for you, but on the contrary of a prejudice, to attract foreigners to your energy field energy flow of the Universe.
Fabrication of mascots own with the exception of obvious shortcomings (to which we refer, first of all, your lack of professionalism in this area), also has a lot of positive things. First of all, in making the amulet yourself, you feed its own energy, which is best suited to you and digest your models energy. Secondly, the guarantee of make your mascot on the chance of how you want to see it (living room). And thirdly, you'll save money on the stairs to the sorcerer's stone a series of time and money.
When creating a mascot, determine the objectives for which it is designed. If this is the amulet for luck or to attract money, this is not the time to choose for him a suitable material of manufacture, as well as decide on the color and the scope of the external parts of symbols.
The most simple are the mascots, made from clay, wood, cardboard, paper and nets. For a talisman of luck will be the small piece of wood, which will allow you to give the necessary form, painted in gold and white or color, then apply to the surface, and the symbols of success and wealth.
Very powerful the natural forces have stones talismans, which are selected on a sign of the zodiac.

Another option improvised of the amulet can become a pendant of the ordinary coins. To make one yourself, you need to choose a great and beautiful piece of currency, as well as the piece of plastic that will be slightly more in diameter. With the help of quick-drying glue, attach the coin to a piece of plastic to the top above the coin still remains the game in plastic, in which there will be a small hole. In the hole that you take a thick thread and start from the ends to form a pendant on a chain".
Once your pet is ready, it is advisable to go for a meditation on money, or simply take in the hands of your amulet, shake hands, represent your goal or task, for which was created the talisman. Imagine as corresponding to the energy of your wish flows through the hands and acts as the mascot, the dropout away from its edges and creating around magical of things, a kind of energy field. By using this tip, you recharge your mascot and made effective.